All the colours of the Autumn in technicolour Instagram

A cold and grey Autumn morning sees me making my way out into the world again. In Norway the trees that still have some semblance of leafiness are brown and shutting down, unless they are already stark and bare. Great opportunities for shameless comparisons with tweed and colourful wool garments.

Due to other commitments last week only saw the single post, my review of the new book about Contemporary Menswear. If you like reading about clothes as well as wearing them, you might be interested. Reading it reminded me that I hadn’t read Glenn O’Briens most excellent book “How to be a gentleman” in a while, so I’ve been reading that the past days. Highly recommended.

Exciting times coming up, as I’m writing this from the airport getting ready to board my flight to New Delhi. Next weeks Instagram roundup will probably be well into triple-figures. Excited? I am.

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