Monthly Archives : February 2013

Tips: Frosty cycling

The life of an all-season cyclist in Norway covers everything from fine warm summer days to bitingly cold winter says. Not extremely cold right now, only -10C when it could be -25C, but enough to make pretty frost on my spokes! In case anyone is curious about what to wear when cycling in the cold, here is a quick guide…

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Icons: Dr Martens, an enduring classic

I have a few thoughts about shoes and would like to start out with one I consider to be a true icon in footwear. The original Dr Martens black patent leather work shoes. Now, I’ll confess to having always thought of these as being British, so found myself quite surprised upon reading the entry in Wikipedia about Dr Martens to…

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A label to watch: SirPlus – Fancy a portion of cabbage?

Following on from yesterdays impressions of Savile Row, I was inspired to mention a rather special, somewhat related, company I came across recently. SirPlus, a cunning pun relating to the source of their source of materials being “cabbage“, surplus or offcuts, from other tailors. What SirPlus do is collect the “cabbage” and refashion, or upcycle to use a trendy term, …

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A label to watch: Norwegian Rain – for discerning adults

I first heard about Norwegian Rain a couple years ago. Well, that probably sounds a little odd, as I’ve spent most of my life experiencing Norwegian rain, having grown up in Norway. This was different though, this was a new brand of raincoats. Proper, decent raincoats with style and function. The two guys behind the brand, Alexander, ideas and marketing,…

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Thoughts about dressing well – Part 1

While I’ll not profess to be an expert of any kind, I have a few thoughts about what consitutes a well dressed man: Dress as if you care about yourself.Don’t expect anyone to care about you or take you seriously if you don’t appear capable of dressing yourself or taking care of yourself. Nothing screams lack of self-respect than letting…

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Impressions of Savile Row

On a recent visit to London I had a list of places I wanted to visit. Amongst these were Savile Row, home of Londons Bespoke tailors. Bespoke tailoring isn’t actually something that I consider very “me”, but I can’t help be fascinated by the tradition and craft that lies behind it. Also, the fact that people will actually travel far…

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The most humble of beginnings…

Well, here we are, at the awkward first post in a new blog. Something that may or may not become something viable and interesting, or may crumble to the ground in abject embarrassment. The traditional route would be to say a little about myself, and outline what I hope to bring to the Interweb in way of writings, so here…

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