The most humble of beginnings…

Well, here we are, at the awkward first post in a new blog. Something that may or may not become something viable and interesting, or may crumble to the ground in abject embarrassment.

The traditional route would be to say a little about myself, and outline what I hope to bring to the Interweb in way of writings, so here goes:

I’m Nicholas, 45, almost married for the second time, father of 4, stepfather of 2, civil engineer. I think I’m a pretty average man, as men go. Enjoying what is turning out to be a great second half of life. Developing more of an interest in taking better care of myself, my appearance and how I function.

What can I bring to the already overfilled world of blogs? Well, there appears to be an interest and as yet vacancies within the area of how the middle-aged man might dress. This is an area where I have a keen interest and hope to contribute. From not caring at all about how I dressed, apart from being covered and warm, to the point where I’m actually happy and proud of how I appear. I also have experience in getting the middle-aged man off the couch and into shape, both with regards to exercise and dieting. Both of these have helped me reach a point of actually liking myself more and feeling a certain pride in how far I have come in the past years.

Back from the brink of being an overweight, ill-dressed 40ish man with poor self-esteem and a really poor outlook on the future. If I can do it, so can anyone. And maybe I can give some tips and advice to help others on their way. Don’t get me wrong, I hold no inflated view of myself or my achievements, as will become clear in later posts, but as so few others appear to be writing about the matters I intend to write about, you’ll just have to settle for me.

Style wise, I’m not a suit and tie man. I don’t need to follow any specific dress code at work. I find it hard to describe my style as anything other than that I like certain items, and I think I’m getting a better eye for what works together, though this is an ongoing process. At the moment I’m probably working more on toning it down a little, rather than adding more pizazz to the mix.

I am open to reviewing stuff and so forth. If you’d like to get in touch, email me at:

Many thanks!


  • Project40 11/04/2013 at 15:11

    Thanks for reading and following my blog. I look forward reading more of your posts!


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