Tag Archives : Sock

Unleash your inner freak with some sock innovation – part 2

And release your breath slowly. Feel the inner tension evaporate as we find ourself back with part 2 of todays definite post about sock design and where sock supplies are heading in 2015. In part one I basically covered the factors we look for in a good pair of socks, and somewhat mocked the job satisfaction in being a sock…

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Style: A few tips for the Autumn/Winter season Part 3

Welcome back to part three of my tips for what to wear this Autumn. If you haven’t already read part one, covering head and shoulders, and part two, which was all about the upper body, you might like to read them before continuing. General and above the shoulders  Upper body wear Legs and feet (this post) Or maybe a new backpack?   At…

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News: Universal Works socks, most welcome freebies

Today I’m working from home, one of the perks of having an above average commute. One of the advantages of working from home is that I get to be first to the mailbox when the postman silently rolls by in his little electric van. Both WellDressedGirlfriend and myself are avid mail-orderers, so the daily delivery is always eagerly anticipated. Possibly…

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Shop visit: Labour & Wait – stopped in time

On a recent visit to London, when I was visiting SEH Kelly, I got talking to some of the other visitors they had the morning I was there. A couple of these were the guys that have the shop almost right round the corner, Labour & Wait. Now, I’d heard about this shop before, as it was mentioned in an…

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