Tag Archives : rain

The Blackshore Poncho, an unexpected rainwear solution

I have a pretty long commute. I don’t do it every day, but 2-3 times a week. It involves cycling, the train, the metro and walking. This means exposure to weather and a lot of sitting around. Add this to a penchant for dressing up in fancy frocks and there is a certain type of weather conditions that is problematic.…

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A week in Scotland: The other bits (part two)

Part one covered my experiences the first half of the week, which was spent in Edinburgh. In this part we pack up the car and head North. Attempting to get an understanding of Scotland by staying a week in Edinburgh is obviously a futile exercise, so we had decided that this would be a half and half holiday, kind of…

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Shock of the new – Adventures in Gore-tex!

Eh? What is this rubbish I hear you wail. Gore-tex? GORE…TEX? I visit this joint to read about artisan selvedge denim and tweed jackets, not dayglow jackets what train spotters wear. Indeed you do, but bear with me dear reader. I raise my hand and say I like a Cabourn Mallory coat as much as the next man and yes,…

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Trouser Tuesday: Rapha, proper trousers for cyclists

Regular readers will not have missed my tear-jerking piece about cycling-induced holes in my tweed trousers recently, and ensuing discussion about: a) how silly I am to be cycling in tweed trousers and b) how I should abandon my fetish for tweed and consider more appropriate cycle-wear, such as c) a pair of Rapha cycling jeans. So, never one to…

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The opportunities of Autumn, a pictorial

Oh yes, Autumn is definitely here now. After a month of teasing the weather has finally started it’s journey towards winter. It’s as if the trees all suddenly got the memo about yellow and brown being the new green and have all decided to get with the programme. Plus a drop in temperature and plenty of rain to go with…

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The end of summer comes to Instagram

Another Friday and another collection of the past weeks postings to Instagram. An odd week, as it proved to be the end of the quite extraordinary summer we have been having, with too much sun and too much heat. And we will miss it far too much as well. Temperature has now dropped off noticeably and we’ve had days on…

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Style: A backpack suitable for a stylish man?

New for AW14: Even more stylish new backpacks! Click here for the latest post! Consider this posting a pre-post of a feature I’m currently working on. It’s really a request for help in both finding ideas for backpacks and asking your opinion on what might be considered a good blend of style and utility. I think we can all agree…

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Shop visit: T-Michael, quality and style from Bergen, Norway

Whilst visiting my parents in Bergen this Easter, I dropped in at one of the two shops worth visiting in town. Ok, so there may be a couple more, but only really two of international merit, as I see it. My number one stop was to see if Michael T. Nartey, or T-Michael as he is increasingly known internationally,  was…

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