Tag Archives : Champagne

A day of gentlemanly activities in Oslo

Recently I was invited to partake in a day of gentlemanly activities as part of promoting #HowToBeAGentleman at Paleet shopping centre in Oslo. The selection of participants made for a pleasantly eclectic group, consisting of rock musician and radio host Øystein Greni, top chef and vintage motorcyclist Even Ramsvik, cobbler and raconteur Asbjørn Dagestad, TV persona and blogger John Ødegård Jensen and me, your favourite…

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Would Sir prefer quality or a discount?

Now, right at the start of this post I know it’s not in really going to fit in with my usual material. It’s not about clothes, or cool old things, or any of my usual passions, yet it’s on my mind and I’d like to share it with you, esteemed reader. Last night I was at a restaurant in Valencia…

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