Garmology podcast: Twisty Tales: From Fashion Studies to Shoemaking with Kenneth McClure (#147)

Embark on a journey of unexpected turns and intriguing transformations as we sit down with today’s guest, Kenneth McClure, the sole operator of Noble & Whylie, a maker of handmade shoes based in Sheffield. Kenneth’s story is a testament to the twists and turns of fate, starting from a desire to create, studying fashion, and exploring various avenues before stumbling upon the captivating world of small-scale shoe-making. Join us as we unravel the fascinating narrative that bridges the gap between these two distinct points in Kenneth’s journey. Tune in for a captivating conversation filled with surprising anecdotes and enlightening insights.

You can find Noble & Whylie on the web at and on Instagram as @nobleandwhylie

Garmology is by Nick Johannessen. There is no advertising or sponsorship, but you are welcome to support the podcast via my Patreon at or you can

Nick Johannessen is also the editor of the WellDressedDad blog and WellDressedDad on Instagram. You can email Nick as Garmology (at)

Garmology theme music by Fabian Stordalen.

1 Comment

  • Kim 26/04/2024 at 17:12

    Excellent podcast. Keep up the great work Kenneth.


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