In the season finale of season 4, I’m visited by Philippa Grogan, sustainability consultant in Eco-Age, an agency for sustainable business strategy. Since graduating, Philly has been on a fascinating journey (literally) through the garment industry of Asia, before working in Eco-Age to help companies lower their impact on people and the planet. Our conversation covers the recent developments in the Higg MSI situation, fossil-based fashion, greenwashing and intentions to become sustainable, how recent vintage isn’t all that sustainable, how easy it is to blame consumers and using celebrities to help bring focus on the issues at hand. It’s not all doom and gloom though, expect banter and laughs as well. Oh, and a washtub full of urine.
You can find Eco-Age on the web here and Philly’s own story here.
Garmology is researched, booked, hosted, edited, published, paid for and everything else by Nick Johannessen. There is no advertising or sponsorship, but you are welcome to support the podcast at
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Great podcast!