Tag Archives : eco

Garmology: Getting Higgy with it – With Philippa Grogan, Eco-Age (#99, S04/E26)

In the season finale of season 4, I’m visited by Philippa Grogan, sustainability consultant in Eco-Age, an agency for sustainable business strategy. Since graduating, Philly has been on a fascinating journey (literally) through the garment industry of Asia, before working in Eco-Age to help companies lower their impact on people and the planet. Our conversation covers the recent developments in…

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Sustainability, recycling, reusing and.. plastic

The topic of sustainability is constantly evolving, with both consumers and makers getting involved to a greater or lesser degree. Hence, I wanted to do a followup piece with some new ideas and information. It’s very easy to become confused or swayed when reading or listening to pundits or companies go on about the ethical and environmental aspects of the…

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Are you looking after your pits? The deodorant investigation

I mentioned a while back that I intended to test various “safe” deodorants, where the safe part means they are supposedly without substances that cause allergic problems, meddle with your hormones or contain aluminium (which is linked to dementia, and is also the real cause of those yellow armpits on your expensive white t-shirts). If you ever bother to google the ingredients…

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The week before Xmas in photos

I skipped my little journal last Friday due to the need to focus on other matters. I was gratified to be reminded by a number of people about this omission though, so this week it’s back in an extended and edited format. Of course, if you already follow my Instagram feed, it’ll be old news, but here you get all…

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Introducing Indigo Village and their incredible scarves

One of the most rewarding things to come from taking up blogging has been the number of people I have come in contact with, people I’d otherwise never have become friends with, or even met at all. One of my early contacts was Jon, an Englishman living in Thailand. We’d have ongoing discussions about important matters such as rare and…

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Be cosmetically cautious

I am of the firm opinion that when it comes to cosmetics and grooming, men really have a very short list of products that are justifiable. Part of being a man is that you don’t spend a lot of time fussing, preening, primping, lotioning, peeling, foundationing, epilating or whatever. Isn’t it bad enough the our women feel compelled to do…

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