Tag Archives : universal works

Pukka patchwork workwear from Universal Works

If there was a scale of hipness when it comes to items made of multiple scraps of fabric, I’d like to think you might find some vintage Japanese boro at one end and your nans favourite quilted bedspread at the other (technically this would be absolute zero, or zero Kelvin, to be nerdy). Somewhere in between, probably at a pleasant…

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Waistcoat Wednesday! A fine layer of Universal Workness

Another Wednesday, another waistcoat! And another opportunity to sample one of the waistcoats from prodigious producer of limbless tops of various descriptions, Universal Works. I’ve previously displayed pleasure at their output on a couple of occasions (here and here), though this time I’ve selected a different style for review. As we enter into the colder period of the year it…

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Anniversary giveaway coming up!

The coming Tuesday, the 25th of February, marks the one year anniversary of the Well Dressed Dad blog. To celebrate it I will be hosting a giveaway, sponsored by some of the good companies I have made friends with during the year. To make things easy, I will be doing this on Instagram, and the 6 lucky winners will be…

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Waistcoat Wednesday: Universal works, lovely, light and flawed

Roll up, roll up! Welcome back to another Waistcoat Wednesday, in fact the nineteenth in the series. Hard to believe it’s been this many, and even harder to believe the wall of waistcoats here at Well Dressed Mansion consists of this many. Maybe me son has a point when he says I’m a hoarder. Then again, it could be the…

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Waistcoat Wednesday: Universal Works, almost universal approval

For this weeks Waistcoat Wednesday I’m featuring a cheeky little number by Universal Works. I’m not sure what the model is known as, possibly the “suit” waistcoat, but since buying it this Spring I’ve been using it a lot. This weeks shots are the result of a happy combination of sunny weather, working from home and the self-timer on the…

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Style: The grey market, and why the marketers get it wrong

Since becoming more interested in clothes over the past few years, I find I’ve also taken more interest in how they are presented to me in the marketplace. We’re talking marketing, advertising, the dangling of the lure that will make me want to part with my hard-earned cash in exchange for whatever is being promoted. And I’m becoming increasingly aware…

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News: Universal Works socks, most welcome freebies

Today I’m working from home, one of the perks of having an above average commute. One of the advantages of working from home is that I get to be first to the mailbox when the postman silently rolls by in his little electric van. Both WellDressedGirlfriend and myself are avid mail-orderers, so the daily delivery is always eagerly anticipated. Possibly…

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Tips: Thoughts about shirts

I thought I’d write a little about shirts today. Then it struck me, I don’t really have much actual knowledge about shirts. I don’t know all the technical words a tailor or stylist would use, or have an encyclopaedic knowledge of the minutiae of The Shirt. I do know mostly what I like and how I use shirts though, so…

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Shop visit: Lot 333 – an international selection in Bergen

In my previous “Shop visit” I introduced you to T-Michael, probably Norway’s premier men’s tailor and menswear designer. Today I visit the shop just round the corner from T-Michael: Over the past years, whenever I’ve been in Bergen, I’ve made a point of stopping by Lot 333 to check out their selection. Shops with a truly international flavour and inventory…

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Waistcoat Wednesday: Whillas & Gunn, Australian outback style

To kick of the long anticipated stroll through my collection of fetish-clothing waistcoats, I’ve selected an oddball starter. I know a few of you were expecting me to go for a number in Harris Tweed, but they will keep for now. Today’s waistcoat is by the Australian company Whillas & Gunn, an interesting company that has been operating since 1972,…

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