Tag Archives : trip report

Trip report: Glastonbury and a bit of the South-West corner of the UK

Mid May it was time to visit the sceptred Isles of Great Britain for another getaway mini-break. Learning from previous experiences regarding the absolute density of experiences in the UK, we planned less travel and more local exploring this time. This also means spending less valuable time moving from overnight accommodation to new overnight accommodation, which again helps to avoid energy loss. This…

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Another visit to Ye Olde Londinium – day three

Did you miss day one or two? they’re right here and here. Day three was going to be our day of culture and high sophistication. This made perfect sense, as Easter Sunday is one of the very few days of the year that the commerce in London takes a day off. Usually everything is open all through the year. As it turned…

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The Hebridean Instagrams

While I finish my part one of my epic report of visiting the Hebrides to look at Harris Tweed, I though it would be nice to recap with the Instagram photos I posted while on my trip 2 weeks ago. Maybe you missed a few, or even all, or maybe you’ll just savour the opportunity of taking it in again?…

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Another visit to Ye Olde Londinium – day two

Did you miss day one? It’s right here. Day two saw us lace up and set off again. After the miserable dinner at the hotel the evening before, it was easy to skip the £27.50 breakfast they served there. Almost 30 quid for breakfast? This just goes to show that when booking a hotel in London, make sure breakfast is…

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A micro guide to menswear shopping in Helsinki

A couple of weeks back I found myself with a few hours to spare in the Finnish town Helsinki. Now this may sound like a case of waking up in a foreign place, sore of head, empty of wallet and no recollection of how I got there. This was nothing of that nature though, I did actually willingly fly there, as…

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