Tag Archives : Thailand

Spring is the thing – Pictotorial

By the end of last week I was quite worn out by trying to post the anniversary post as number 300. So much so that I neglected to post my weekly Friday editorial. The one where I get to rerun the best Instagram photos of the week, hint at future posts, and generally get to mention stuff that is on…

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The story of a simple field jacket

Those of you that follow my Instagram have been seeing unsubtle little teasers for this one for a  while now. It’s been in the works, the really slow works, for months. Now though it has sprung forth, not unlike one of those butterflies you see on the high-definition nature channels. Yes, the big colourful butterflies that remind you of jackets.…

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Consumer Advocate: The Dr Martens #solegate saga part 2!

A while back I posted about how I discovered that my classic Dr Martens shoes had developed split soles (read the original post here!). Although four or five years since I had purchased them, they had seen little use and I was very surprised to find that the soles, while displaying marginal wear elsewhere, had split along the sides, opening…

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Consumer Advocate: How long should a pair of Dr Martens last?

Given my recent activism around the probably bicycle related wear on a pair of my tweed trousers, it may be a little early to go on another disappointed consumer rant. Or is it? Heck, we pay good money for our nice clothes and shoes, so isn’t it reasonable to find they live up to expectations, or even exceed them? Should we…

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The week before Xmas in photos

I skipped my little journal last Friday due to the need to focus on other matters. I was gratified to be reminded by a number of people about this omission though, so this week it’s back in an extended and edited format. Of course, if you already follow my Instagram feed, it’ll be old news, but here you get all…

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Introducing Indigo Village and their incredible scarves

One of the most rewarding things to come from taking up blogging has been the number of people I have come in contact with, people I’d otherwise never have become friends with, or even met at all. One of my early contacts was Jon, an Englishman living in Thailand. We’d have ongoing discussions about important matters such as rare and…

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