Tag Archives : silk

Commemorative silk escape map scarves from the IWM

If you read my recent review of the Taktonik messenger bag, you’ll have noticed that the inside of the lid was lined with a silk escape map. This was a type of map provided during WW2 to servicemen that risked being stranded behind enemy lines and might need guidance to find their way home. The history of the silk escape…

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A different take on camo by Realm & Empire

There is something I need to get off my chest before we go on: I don’t really get the fascination many have for wearing clothes with various camouflage patterns. I don’t think they look nice, and they certainly don’t have any utility value (for starters most are wearing either woodlands or desert camo, not the appropriate urban patterns, so are…

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How about some alternative fabrics?

Cotton shirt, cotton boxers, cotton denim, cotton t-shirt, and let me bless your little cotton socks as well. Cotton everywhere, cotton all over and cotton everything. Is cotton the be all and end all, the perfect fabric for all uses? I’ve mentioned a few times how cotton is a huge environmental problem and that you should, whenever possible and practical,…

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News: Menswear hits Kickstarter

Kickstarter, the popular and innovative website for seeking funding through crowd-sourcing has seen yet a new use today, as UK-startup Machiavellian is seeking funding to launch it’s new brand of high-end men’s sleepwear. Kickstarter started out being mainly about seeking funding for geeky gadgets, but has seen massive diversity in the projects seeking necessary funding. As far as I know, this…

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