Tag Archives : reviews

Yes, another editorial and Instagram update!

Getting back into the normal flow of things after a slow period over Xmas. Trouser Tuesdays are back on track with part 1 of a 4-part series of tweed trouser reviews. The idea is to present a mid-range pair, as in this weeks pair of Harris Tweed trousers from Toast, then a more reasonably priced pair, a splendidly exotic pair…

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You’ll never believe what this guy did all week

Yep, I’ve done it as well. Gone and titles my post using one of these new-fangled, scientifically proven, click-bait headlines designed to suck in massive numbers of readers. In an ironic way, of course, as I absolutely detest both what they are trying to do, and how they read to a poor chap looking for some relevant news in the online…

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The collected reviews of Waistcoat Wednesday!

Although my waistcoat reviews for #WaistcoatWednesday are taking a break at the moment (aka. I’ve run out of waistcoats to review), I continue to promote armless attire as a midweek sartorial statement. To make it easier for all the waistcoat fanciers among my readers, I present the collected waistcoat wisdom so far (and a bonanza of awkward posing). Just click…

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