Tag Archives : recycling

Garmology: Raedical reuse – With Christopher Raeburn (S02/E07)

Award-winning British fashion innovator Christopher Raeburn joins the podcast to talk about how he got involved in upcycling military surplus, creating high fashion from vintage escape maps and parachutes, how change is happening even in huge companies such as Timberland and how the spread of ideas and inspiration is as valuable as producing a saleable product. We also get into…

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Sustainability, recycling, reusing and.. plastic

The topic of sustainability is constantly evolving, with both consumers and makers getting involved to a greater or lesser degree. Hence, I wanted to do a followup piece with some new ideas and information. It’s very easy to become confused or swayed when reading or listening to pundits or companies go on about the ethical and environmental aspects of the…

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A label to watch: SirPlus – Fancy a portion of cabbage?

Following on from yesterdays impressions of Savile Row, I was inspired to mention a rather special, somewhat related, company I came across recently. SirPlus, a cunning pun relating to the source of their source of materials being “cabbage“, surplus or offcuts, from other tailors. What SirPlus do is collect the “cabbage” and refashion, or upcycle to use a trendy term, …

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