Tag Archives : jacket

Harry Stedman – quality modern classics

Some brands have been around since loincloths came into fashion, others are more recent entrants to the jostling world of menswear. One of the latter companies, and one I only came across quite recently, is Harry Stedman. The company takes it’s name and inspiration Harry himself, father and grandfather respectively of the two guys behind the company. Born in 1934 Harry…

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Outerwear: The “Panton Pilot Jacket” by Realm & Empire

I’m always looking for things that have that added ingredient of different, be it a vintage car, a strange back-street caffe, or another jacket for the collection. Realm & Empire have been mentioned here a few times before, as one of a handful of British companies worth keeping an eye on. By some incredibly fortuitous dealings, R&E have managed to…

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More army aceness: Swedish wool jacket from 1956

I’m not quite sure why, but lately I appear to have been veering off the straight and narrow menswear track and more into the undergrowth of vintage and army gear. Thinking back it might have been finding the vintage Harris tweed jacket in Liverpool (the one that became the acclaimed first tweed project), or maybe it was falling for the…

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Classic jackets: The M-43, the OG of field jackets

Old army jackets have always been a style icon unto themselves. Through students, anarchists, hobos, de Niro in “Taxi Driver”, through to todays hipsters. The style, the utility and the value for money is quite remarkable. That is, if you like your jacket green, a bit crumpled and of unknown history. Because, let’s face it, that old surplus Army jacket…

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Editorial: Tweed jackets, snake serum and pit fumes

Another week into Autumn and I find the mornings are so quickly getting cold that I’ve already had to bring out the serious jackets. If the decline in temperature continues at this rate I’ll be all wooled up in the mountain parka by November and the expedition-grade down jacket by Xmas. A scary thought. Not only because it will be…

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Shock of the new – Adventures in Gore-tex!

Eh? What is this rubbish I hear you wail. Gore-tex? GORE…TEX? I visit this joint to read about artisan selvedge denim and tweed jackets, not dayglow jackets what train spotters wear. Indeed you do, but bear with me dear reader. I raise my hand and say I like a Cabourn Mallory coat as much as the next man and yes,…

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Outerwear: Natural Selection, the Mackinaw evolved?

Men are creatures of habit and occasional innovation. We will continue doing what we do for as long as it works, then modify to make it work again. Mens jackets are a case in point, with certain established styles being tweaked and improved decade after decade. It could be argued that every possible style has already been created and named,…

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Sartorial Selection: Raincoats for the summer season

We find ourselves entering a season where a man’s sartorial thoughts quite naturally tend towards garments of a nature that will withstand weather of an inclement nature. We may try to convince ourself that it is a time for bare arms and legs, but deep within we know that nature is a cruel and fickle trickster, just waiting to unleash…

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Some great jackets for spring and summer

With the incredible amounts of rain falling from the skies these days, it’s obvious that something seasonal is going on. And a change in seasons means a change of wardrobe, at least if you’re listening to what the fashionistas are saying. Anyhow, be it as it may be, if you are actually looking for something new this season, I thought…

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Some great jackets to see you through the Winter

To follow up on my style guides for the Autumn and Winter, I thought I’d give you a few ideas for warm jackets to keep you snug and stylish through the freezing temperatures we must endure this time of year. I’ve picked out 6 jackets of various styles and types, from the simple and elegant tweed jacket through to the…

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