Tag Archives : grooming

Grooming: A sensible and low key take on male grooming

I’ve had a few emails asking me about my “grooming regime”. I take this to mean there are people curious about how much coconut water I drink, which mud-masks I prefer on a rainy Tuesday evening, which carefully formulated lotions and potions I enjoy slathering my skin with, whether I prefer hair tonic to gin & tonic, whither scents of…

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The taboo of nasal hair and a solution

We tend to think that around the end of our teens we stop growing. We’ve reached our cruising altitude, our various bits and pieces have extended fully and from here on out it’s all downhill. We’ll shrink, we’ll develop a gut and a balding pate. On the plus side, while it may take 20 years to assemble us fully, most of…

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