Tag Archives : Gothenburg

In case you missed them, the best of 2015 #3: Opinions

Further on from the index to all the guides and reviews I wrote in 2015, here is a handy index to what I chose to group as “opinions”. Possibly a spurious description for a motley selection of posts, some verging on the rantings of the unhinged, others merely difficult to file under any other description. A shorter list than the others, but…

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A weekend in Gothenburg

While I am quite happy to enjoy a weekend at home in the mansion, with a fire roaring in the fireplace, a mug of tea at hand and good book, I also like travelling and visiting new places. And by visit I mean “go somewhere for a walkabout”. Last weekend saw me getting restless and once it was determined that…

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Yes, another editorial and Instagram update!

Getting back into the normal flow of things after a slow period over Xmas. Trouser Tuesdays are back on track with part 1 of a 4-part series of tweed trouser reviews. The idea is to present a mid-range pair, as in this weeks pair of Harris Tweed trousers from Toast, then a more reasonably priced pair, a splendidly exotic pair…

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My life pictorially, more Instagrammar

Another Friday collation of what has passed by way of posts to Instagram. Small outtakes and staged settings to illustrate my existence. Sounds a little more conceptual and serious than it really is though. I just enjoy sharing small collages, and appreciate that people respond to them. Are we not all really hoping to be noticed in some way or…

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