Tag Archives : Dundee

A couple of alternative waxed jackets

The green waxed jacket, normally with a Barbour label somewhere on it, is a staple of the British look. Maybe not so much for the average British chap, but for the those aspiring to the hunting and gentleman farming look of the more elevated gents, the traditional green waxed jacket had a definite place. I have no problem with that…

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You’ll never believe what this guy did all week

Yep, I’ve done it as well. Gone and titles my post using one of these new-fangled, scientifically proven, click-bait headlines designed to suck in massive numbers of readers. In an ironic way, of course, as I absolutely detest both what they are trying to do, and how they read to a poor chap looking for some relevant news in the online…

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My new backpack – the Trakke Arkaig!

I make no secret of enjoying and appreciating a good backpack. In fact, I often scout around the Interweb looking at backpacks, collating the finest into another post in a series of “Backpacks for the style conscious man”. A backpack is a great way of bringing stuff with you, without the hassle of having to use one or two arms…

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