Tag Archives : Backpack

My new backpack – the Trakke Arkaig!

I make no secret of enjoying and appreciating a good backpack. In fact, I often scout around the Interweb looking at backpacks, collating the finest into another post in a series of “Backpacks for the style conscious man”. A backpack is a great way of bringing stuff with you, without the hassle of having to use one or two arms…

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Fresh backpacks for the stylish man (AW14)

It’s high summer and for those of you looking to keep your backpack game strong this Autumn, it’s time to climb a tree and get an overview of what might be available. Strong backpack game? Not something you come across that often in the world of fashion, but believe me, a crummy backpack will really kill off any effort you…

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Even more backpacks for the stylish man!

It appears I have become something of the go-to site when it comes to backpacks for the stylish man. This is of course a huge honour for me! My campaign against the utterly horrible and style-less black nylon backpack has not gone unnoticed, and there may yet be some hope for this very overlooked aspect of our daily attire. Let…

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Whillas & Gunn Nullarbor, a new favorite backpack

Long term readers  will no doubt recall my quest a few months back to find a backpack suitable for a man of style. The point was to do away with the typical company-issued, black nylon backpack most people use to cart around their laptop and workday miscellany. This turned into quite a task, and resulted in not one, but two…

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Style: More backpacks for the stylish man

As a follow-up to my previous post about backpacks for the stylish man, I’ve found a few more that are worthy of a mention. Some maybe a little predictable, others a bit more oddball. A common point is that any of them would add style where other backpacks (read: traditional black nylon commuting backpack) only detract. Also, a further selection…

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A label to watch: Home of Millican, bags and bags of style

In a slight deviation from the typical “label to watch” post, this time I’m taking a left turn away from makers of fine and interesting garments and instead taking a look at a company making travel bagssuitable for a Well Dressed Dad. I’ve ventured this way before, when I was looking for a backpack suitable for a stylish man, and…

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Backpacks for the stylish man – Summary

Please note, this post is getting old, you may want to check out these instead: New for Winter 2015: Another 15 backpacks for the stylish man! Click on Part 1 and Part 2! New for Autumn 2014: Even more stylish new backpacks! Click here for the latest post! Note: I’ve since done another post with a stylish selection. You will want…

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Style: A backpack suitable for a stylish man?

New for AW14: Even more stylish new backpacks! Click here for the latest post! Consider this posting a pre-post of a feature I’m currently working on. It’s really a request for help in both finding ideas for backpacks and asking your opinion on what might be considered a good blend of style and utility. I think we can all agree…

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