Tag Archives : australia

Waistcoat Wednesday! Whillas and Gunn, for the card sharps

A week appears to have passed since last Wednesday, a fact which must mean it’s time for another Waistcoat Wednesday here at Well Dressed Mansion. Observing the rack of superb armless attire, my eyes alight on an item of striped goodness all the way from Whillas and Gunn in Australia. Whillas and Gunn are no newcomers around these days, having made…

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Trouser Tuesday: Whillas & Gunn "Charles", unusually retro

Working our way around the world reviewing trousers sees us arriving in Australia today. Whillas & Gunn, a family company supplying fine, rugged menswear since 1972, are something of a favourite of mine, having made both one of the very favourite waistcoats (which says something) and the backpack I use on a daily basis. Todays offering is a pair of…

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Whillas & Gunn Nullarbor, a new favorite backpack

Long term readers  will no doubt recall my quest a few months back to find a backpack suitable for a man of style. The point was to do away with the typical company-issued, black nylon backpack most people use to cart around their laptop and workday miscellany. This turned into quite a task, and resulted in not one, but two…

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My favorite items: Engineered Garments Oslo pants

As an a new ongoing series, I thought I’d like to do a few posts of items in my “collection” that I have a special fondness for. First out, my Oslo pants by Engineered Garments. Now everyone with a little interest in the better quality of clothing has come across Engineered Garments. Started in 199 by designer Daiki Suzuki, a…

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Waistcoat Wednesday: Whillas & Gunn, Australian outback style

To kick of the long anticipated stroll through my collection of fetish-clothing waistcoats, I’ve selected an oddball starter. I know a few of you were expecting me to go for a number in Harris Tweed, but they will keep for now. Today’s waistcoat is by the Australian company Whillas & Gunn, an interesting company that has been operating since 1972,…

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