Browsing Category : Opinions

The Garmsman Dozen #2: Shaun from Scotland

After last weeks popular first instalment in this new series, we follow up with another case study of a modern gentleman. Whereas Jon last week was more into bespoke suits and vintage militaria, this week Shaun shares his insight into dressing well on a budget, through hunting elusive bargains on eBay and charity shops. Welcome to the Garmsman Dozen Shaun!…

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The Garmsman Dozen #1: Jon, from Great Britain

Welcome to the first instalment of a new series I’ve decided to call “The Garmsman Dozen”. Garmsman? Street-lingo for Garment Man, and dozen because I send out a list of questions and ask for at least a dozen to be answered. Enough waffle though and over to Jon aka Heavyjon on Instagram. Welcome to the Garmsman Dozen Jon! Who are…

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When “eco fashion” means “con-oaf, he is”

It’s been a while now since I last posted a rant. You might be forgiven thinking that my more Meldrewesqe tendencies have been under control, my life has been utterly copacetic (such a great word, aren’t great words just the greatest?) and there was nothing around to make me shake my fist in annoyance. Yet, as I wander around, observing,…

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Someone asked: That poor John Elliott shirt, how did that go?

Someone dropped me a note the other day asking whatever happened with the ill-fated John Elliott shirt I bought in Edinburgh last year. It’s nice to be reminded, and it’s a clear hint that updating the original post about developments in such a thrilling story doesn’t reach out all that may be interested. So, while you could easily go back and…

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Is there a relationship between quality and cost?

An interesting topic revealed itself yesterday, spurred on by WDW noticing that yet another of her items of clothing was ripe for recycling. Not that it had totally failed in it’s mission, it was still quite serviceable in that it had no holes, failed seams or other mechanical failures. It was just not in the same condition as when it…

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Knitted wool hats can get stuffed.

I realise I’m going out on a limb here, stating the unutterable, voicing the opinion that dare not be muttered, yet standing up for the freezing man in face of popular opinion. You just know I’m about to go off all half-cocked now, right? So, knitted wool hats. What a load of crap! Apart from hiding your bad hair day, what have…

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The scent of the apocalypse

We’ve all been there. Squeezed up against the window in some public transport or other, jammed solidly in place, no possible means of dignified escape. It’s not the physical restraint that is the main issue, more a matter of olfactory lockdown, if you get my drift. We’re talking about the terror of a woman of advanced age (and no, I’m…

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Coming up to the three year milestone…

Coming up to the three year anniversary for the blog, I find myself pondering the direction forward. One option would be to call it a day, though I feel that would be a shame, given how many good folks read it, and how much I enjoy writing it. Another option would is to evolve. Reading an article about blog trends…

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12 things you need to know about menswear and fashion

“12 things you need to know about menswear“. Indeed. I was looking through the trite articles on offer on a Norwegian fashion news site this afternoon and almost every title was click-bait offering to reveal some number of somethings you desperately need to know to know about making an outfit faux pas, or not making the impression you should be…

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Is your body an industry standard size?

If there is one single question that draws guys into web forums about clothes it has to be this one: “I’m looking to buy garment X, is it true to size, or do I size up or down?” This is related to my previous post on why shoe sizes are a mess and why sizing baffles the boffins, though this time I’m looking at…

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