Browsing Category : News

In defence of old goats, and a new Kickstarter initiative

You’ve probably not heard mention of the plight of the goat before. That’s ok, most people haven’t. We tend to see a goat and think “what a cute, wee fellah!” and leave it at that. I’m not going to claim any massive knowledge about goat history, goat symbolism or anything else goat related, apart from one single point: Goats get…

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Another visit to Ye Olde Londinium – day one

London is a city I love to visit. So much so that I often wonder what it would be like to live there. Amidst the hustle and bustle, the brilliant Underground, the sights, the exhibitions, the happenings and goings on. It all combines to make a place that feels so vital and alive. The daydream is marred just a little…

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Paladrin – Workwear made by London

Think of huge clothing companies, you know, the like of H&M and Zara. They make billions of garments, employ thousands of people, make whopping amounts of money and have their product made in faceless factories wherever will make it cheapest. Then move your thoughts right down to the other end of the scale. Consider what it’s like if a company…

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My favorite Instagram photos of 2016

As the year comes to a closing the totting up of the wins and losses, the balancing of the debits and credits, the memories of the good and the bad of the expiring year are on the table. I’ll no doubt be blogging up a storm again from next week onwards, but this fine morning, enjoying a moment of peace…

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The truth about #hygge

Observing the current obsession in the UK with the apparently Danish concept of “hygge” is both amusing and disturbing. Firstly, trying to package and sell such a concept is in itself a strange task, based as it is on an apparently untranslatable word that involves an increasingly wide selection of absolutely necessary food, drink, accessories and whatnots to achieve some…

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Flattery will get you everywhere!

If I may be so bold as to indulge in a little tooting of my own trumpet for a moment, I recently passed 10.000 followers on my Instagram account and for the second time running the UK Esquire magazine have published their “The Most Stylish Men On Instagram” and I’m happy to be featured as one of their esteemed selection again.…

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A day of gentlemanly activities in Oslo

Recently I was invited to partake in a day of gentlemanly activities as part of promoting #HowToBeAGentleman at Paleet shopping centre in Oslo. The selection of participants made for a pleasantly eclectic group, consisting of rock musician and radio host Øystein Greni, top chef and vintage motorcyclist Even Ramsvik, cobbler and raconteur Asbjørn Dagestad, TV persona and blogger John Ødegård Jensen and me, your favourite…

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My daydream holiday destinations

The other day I found myself thinking about places I’d like to travel to. “Like” is not really a strong enough word, though. Maybe “urge” is more descriptive. Places or things I feel I have to experience, and soon, as some of them probably won’t be there forever. My destinations might not be what most consider proper “holiday” destinations though. My current top…

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Another case of sole rejuvination, my Victory-soled Masterpieces

This summer I happened up on a pair of Grenson “Masterpiece” brogues, well used and going for a song. The leather sole and heel were pretty worn down, but the careful owner had taken wonderful care of the upper, they were polished to a deep, gleaming lustre and looked pretty great. So, given my preference for some proper rubber under…

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Norwegian Rain and Grenson bring some actual innovation to the traditional British leather shoe

The British shoe industry has a long and glorious tradition behind it. Most of the well known names have been producing quality traditional shoes for 150 years or more, and do a splendid job as well. Goodyear welts, intricate brogue patterns, sublime craftsmanship and basically doing things as they have always been done. Hardly surprising really, as human feet are…

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