Garmology podcast: Small business musings – With Niamh Carr and Gary Newbold (#123)

Today I bring back Niamh Carr of NemCee and Gary Newbold of English Utopia for a catch-up on how they are getting on. The idea was to have an open and frank chat about aspects of the fashion business from the point of view of small brands, what makes a brand, what quality implies and how that impacts how you work, etc. Suffice it to say, rabbit holes were found and scurried into!

You can find NeemCee on the web here and on Instagram as @_neemcee

You can find English Utopia on Instagram as @englishutopia and on the web as

Garmology is made by Nick Johannessen. There is no advertising or sponsorship, but you are welcome to support the podcast at

Nick Johannessen is also the editor of the WellDressedDad blog and WellDressedDad on Instagram. You can email Nick as Garmology (at)

Garmology theme music by Fabian Stordalen.

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