Garmology: Passion and ethics – With Neil Christopher of ARN Mercantile (S03 E10)

This week Neil Christopher stops by for a chat. Neil is known from underground legend ARN Mercantile, as well as being a sought after chap from all manner of companies. With a career starting in an unlikely and random way and pretty much continuing in the same vein, we get into the ethics of the industry, what needs to change, the business of making proper clothes, keeping your footprint minimal, why Red Wing soles are worse than they used to be, and the predictable topics of fast fashion and true sustainability.

You can find Neil on Instagram as @arnmerc

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Nick Johannessen is the host of Garmology, the editor of the WellDressedDad blog and WellDressedDad on Instagram. You can email Nick as Garmology (at)

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