Monthly Archives : July 2015

Unleash your inner freak with some sock innovation – part 2

And release your breath slowly. Feel the inner tension evaporate as we find ourself back with part 2 of todays definite post about sock design and where sock supplies are heading in 2015. In part one I basically covered the factors we look for in a good pair of socks, and somewhat mocked the job satisfaction in being a sock…

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I love London

I love London. So much so that I entertain fantasies of living there permanently. The vibrancy, the hustle and bustle, the masses of people, the efficiency of the Underground system, the sounds, the streets, the museums, the shopping and more. Exciting and interesting, no doubt about it. Yet, most likely mostly a fantasy. The masses of people, the noise and…

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Unleash your inner freak with some sock innovation – part 1

Well, I have kind of set the tone of this post already, right? It’s all about socks, and different ones at that. Not the wearing of a pair that doesn’t match, but finding socks that are a little outside the standard mono-coloured, no added flavour, will do the job and not be noticed kind of socks. Granted, novelty socks are…

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Simply sartorial Summer stuff

Summer time and the living is easy, or so the song goes. And sartorially so I think it really is. Easy, and perhaps a little less fun? If you’re a bit like me, where you like your thick tweed and heavy denim, some stout footwear and a good scarf, dressing to keep the chill out, then Summer poses a a…

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A few thoughts on caring for leather shoes

An expression came to mind last week whilst preparing a new pair of rugged Red Wing boots for use, “tough as old boots”. It got me wondering where such an expression might have come from, and also whether there was any significance in the “old” part of it. Were boots stronger in previous times? I have observed that there has been…

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Blue collar cool: Tender 980 darted shoulder jacket

To continue the series I started last week, today’s entry for blue collar jackets is the Tender Type 980 Darted Shoulder Jacket. This is my most recent addition in this category, but it’s already seen a decent amount of use, and my appreciation of it is growing. Tender is very much the essence of the Made in England cottage industry. Owned by…

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You have to be kidding, the 333 project???

Something I have been pondering the past couple of weeks is the curious idea of the 333 project. In short it’s all about selecting 33 items of clothing and wearing them exclusively for 3 months. To start with I thought that 33 items sounds like a decent amount, how hard can that be? Then I found myself thinking of ways…

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