Monthly Archives : September 2014

That weekly Instagram collection again…

A briefer collection of Instagram images than usual this week. After a stumbling start, where I actually didn’t post anything for a couple of days at all, I got back in to my stride towards the end of the week. I aim for at least one image a day, sometimes two, and very rarely three. Lots of new posts in…

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Waistcoat Wednesday! Whillas and Gunn, for the card sharps

A week appears to have passed since last Wednesday, a fact which must mean it’s time for another Waistcoat Wednesday here at Well Dressed Mansion. Observing the rack of superb armless attire, my eyes alight on an item of striped goodness all the way from Whillas and Gunn in Australia. Whillas and Gunn are no newcomers around these days, having made…

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You’ll never believe what this guy did all week

Yep, I’ve done it as well. Gone and titles my post using one of these new-fangled, scientifically proven, click-bait headlines designed to suck in massive numbers of readers. In an ironic way, of course, as I absolutely detest both what they are trying to do, and how they read to a poor chap looking for some relevant news in the online…

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So you’d like to maim yourself with your new safety razor?

From feedback received I understand I have taken on something of a responsibility with regards to shaving. My Great Investigation of shaving creams has clearly inspired gentlemen worldwide to return to the vintage-style safety razor of their fathers. With consequences. Sometimes both bloody and disfiguring. Possibly not maiming though, which may be small consolation when you’re standing there in front of…

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Waistcoat Wednesday – Another piece by Levis

Another day of mid-week sleeveless wonderment is here, by way of this waistcoat, or vest if you like, from Levis. I have reviewed a Levis waistcoat before, and thought it pretty good. This one though is part of their Made & Crafted line, which is, as far as I can tell, a line Levis created to blend their history with…

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My new backpack – the Trakke Arkaig!

I make no secret of enjoying and appreciating a good backpack. In fact, I often scout around the Interweb looking at backpacks, collating the finest into another post in a series of “Backpacks for the style conscious man”. A backpack is a great way of bringing stuff with you, without the hassle of having to use one or two arms…

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