Monthly Archives : September 2014

The Great Shaving Cream Investigation – Summary

An epic six rounds of one on one shaving cream combat has come to an end. 12 products, each claiming to be the ultimate, have been tried on the battleground that my face became. The left side versus the right side, stainless steel blades reducing stubble to rubble. At this point you will no doubt have read up on all…

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Mantiques: The Ekranoplan, the forgotten future of air travel

The other day while reading the newspaper I noticed something about an airline company planning about 30 years ahead with regards to their investment in new aircraft. It made me stop to think whether there will even be air travel in 30 years time, what with the accelerating depletion of the natural resources necessary to fuel flight. Let’s face facts, it’s not…

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A collection of Instagrammar

And before I know what has happened, it’s Friday again and time for the weekly collection of what I posted to my Instagram over the past week. To add some flavour this weeks adventures include cows, hedgehogs and ecologically grown vegetables. Just when you thought there couldn’t be more snaps of buttons, boots and fabrics, I up my game with more fun…

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I know you’ve got sole – my first brogues redone

A while back I wrote a couple of posts about my Church brogues. First about discovering them in a local charity shop and discovering how appropriate they were for me, and then the process of having them resoled to make them more usable to me. Being utterly enchanted with the result of the freshly ruggedized fancy shoes, I was in no doubt…

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The Great Shaving Cream Investigation – Round 6

Welcome to round 6 of the Great Shaving Cream Investigation! This is the final regular round of the series, with just a single champion meets the underdog round to go. I’ll keep it brief, as I know you are quite desperate to know the outcome of this latest round. Am I right or am I right? To look back at…

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A bicycle helmet for a stylish man?

Research shows that when it comes to riding bicycles, the following statements hold true for a large percentage of men: Men like cycling, and mostly fast Men don’t like to look silly Falling off your bike when going fast can really harm you Which sort of leads on to the fact that boys over the age of 8 tend not to wear…

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The week that was, Instagrammatically

Oh my, it’s back again, that weekly roundup of my wrongdoings on Instagram. Or rightdoings, judging my the number of regular like-clickers that honour me with their well-directed presses of the Like-button. In any case, another Autumnal week with the chilly mornings requiring full wool, jacket, hat and gloves, and the sunny afternoons requiring all the warm gear being backpacked…

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Waistcoat Wednesday! A fine layer of Universal Workness

Another Wednesday, another waistcoat! And another opportunity to sample one of the waistcoats from prodigious producer of limbless tops of various descriptions, Universal Works. I’ve previously displayed pleasure at their output on a couple of occasions (here and here), though this time I’ve selected a different style for review. As we enter into the colder period of the year it…

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The Great Shaving Cream Investigation – Round 5

Welcome to round 5 of the Great Shaving Cream Investigation! As exclusively revealed in last weeks post (here), this is quite likely the second to last of the exciting rounds. I realise many of my readers will have started to eagerly look forward to the next installment, but we will at some point have to publish the final results, select the…

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Outerwear: Natural Selection, the Mackinaw evolved?

Men are creatures of habit and occasional innovation. We will continue doing what we do for as long as it works, then modify to make it work again. Mens jackets are a case in point, with certain established styles being tweaked and improved decade after decade. It could be argued that every possible style has already been created and named,…

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