Monthly Archives : March 2014

Iconic footwear: Paraboot Michael, classic French

Whenever we’ve been talking footwear, my mate Scratch has been going on about his Paraboot Michel shoes. Whenever I’ve done a post about footwear recommendations for the upcoming season, he’s been there, telling me that I must include Paraboot. And each time, I’ve taken a look at them and thought they looked a bit odd, but knowing that Scratch does know…

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Cold & Heggem – a true Scandinavian spectacle

When wandering around Copenhagen you have the wide streets, the smaller streets and the very small streets. And then you have the alley-like passages you almost miss, unless you know they are there. And luckily I had an idea where I was going, thanks to a tip-off from Frans at Maritime & Antiques. What I found was very much worth…

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The Copenhagen round-up!

A two day trip to Copenhagen on business provided me with the opportunity to look up a few of the places I’ve had on my Short List of Interesting Things to See in Copenhagen (and no, there is no clever acronym hiding in there, though thank you for noticing there might be). I’ve posted separately about my visits to Hansen…

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While in Copenhagen… A visit to Hansen Garments

One of the places I was most looking forward to visit while in Copenhagen was the world HQ of quality menswear brand Hansen Garments. I’ve been a fan for a few years now and have enjoyed following their ascent from being a tiny and almost unknown brand to where they are now, a little larger, yet still as dedicated, still…

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While in Copenhagen… Maritime & Antiques

Copenhagen has long been on my list of places I have been wanting to revisit. Not only is it a splendid and important city, but it houses Places of Interest. One of these places is Maritime & Antiques, a shop I have been keeping an eye on for a while. It’s name does give a hint to the seemingly bizarre…

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How about some alternative fabrics?

Cotton shirt, cotton boxers, cotton denim, cotton t-shirt, and let me bless your little cotton socks as well. Cotton everywhere, cotton all over and cotton everything. Is cotton the be all and end all, the perfect fabric for all uses? I’ve mentioned a few times how cotton is a huge environmental problem and that you should, whenever possible and practical,…

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Giveaway winners!

Here we go, merry folks, time to announce the lucky winners in my anniversary giveaway! After collating the entries from Instagram, Twitter and blog followers, I have utilised a random number generator to select the winners fair and square. The winners will be contacted directly. Urban Upcycle is giving away a beautiful tweed smartphone cover to one lucky reader. Will…

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A week in Instagram photos

Given my new found fame as a man to watch on Instagram, I thought I’d shamelessly cash and publish a weekly “best of” my photos. Those that follow me on Instagram will find nothing new here, but in the spirit of upcycling and recyling, for the rest of the planets population (minus some 2000 of you), please pleasure your visual…

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