Tip: Commando-soled brogue and gravel

Continuing on my mission to be the middle-aged menswear blog that provides the best value for money for my elite group of readers, I am today offering up something of a top-tip for those of you struggling to come to terms with the amount of gravel (or small stones, for the non-engineers among you) your commando-soled brogues are picking up. Now, to the uninitiated this may seem a problem of almost mind-bogglingly small proportions, but to those of you who have had stones of various sizes filling almost every groove in the sole, you’ll know how painful it is to stealthily stride along the hallowed hallways of your workplace on rubber soles that are now clad in stone. Silent they are not.

Fear not though, as salvation is as close as your office supplied cabinet, and you don’t even need to purloin an entire biro to get the tool you need to bring bliss back to your sturdy rubber soles. One cap is all you need, though I will advise that you remove it from a proper BIC ballpoint, medium size. Have some standards, chap! See photo below for a hint on how to use this improvised tool to leverage rocks from their rubber grip. After use, stash your new tool somewhere handy, like a pocket. And enjoy the fact that being of a non-metallic nature, you can also safely bring your tool through airport security without undue hassle. How’s that for an excellent value top-tip, eh?


Commando sole with single piece of gravel for illustrative purposes


  • Scratch 22/05/2013 at 12:09

    Another top tip is to leave them in there.
    I find it gives you the feeling of wearing blakey seg’s without having the trouble or cost of getting them fitted.

    • Well Dressed Dad 22/05/2013 at 12:13

      The hob-nailed feeling would be too much. Crunch-crunch, here he comes again!

  • Scratch 22/05/2013 at 12:25

    Exactly. It is a sound that commands respect.

  • A week in Instagram photos | Well Dressed Dad 01/03/2014 at 17:55

    […] out the boots. With the amount of gravel strewn on the roads it does highlight the slight issue commando soles have in picking up gravel. Luckily the office supply cabinet had a ready supply of tools for […]


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