Tag Archives : Twitter

The opportunities of Autumn, a pictorial

Oh yes, Autumn is definitely here now. After a month of teasing the weather has finally started it’s journey towards winter. It’s as if the trees all suddenly got the memo about yellow and brown being the new green and have all decided to get with the programme. Plus a drop in temperature and plenty of rain to go with…

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Giveaway winners!

Here we go, merry folks, time to announce the lucky winners in my anniversary giveaway! After collating the entries from Instagram, Twitter and blog followers, I have utilised a random number generator to select the winners fair and square. The winners will be contacted directly. Urban Upcycle is giving away a beautiful tweed smartphone cover to one lucky reader. Will…

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How to survive as a traditional local clothes shop

Todays’ local newspaper carried the sob stories of a handful of local shops that have folded due to the unfair competition from online shops, with bitter complaints about how the local brick and mortar shops are used to view and fondle items before ordering online. The underlying tone is that this is really awfully unfair and that we consumers need…

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A little media attention comes my way…

Yesterday was a slightly strange day. After a few weeks of waiting, my first interview as Well Dressed Dad was due for publication. Not having seen a preview of the feature it was with some trepidation I stopped by the kiosk at the train station before catching the train to work to buy a copy of Finansavisen, making sure the…

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Social media… I’m covered.

These days (and even starting with those words make me feel like an old man) it’s all about the social media, and all the various platforms that are more or less popular at the moment. It’s not enough to just write blog posts, they have to be announced on Facebook and Twitter as well. Plus Twitter is there to handle…

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Shop visit: T-Michael, quality and style from Bergen, Norway

Whilst visiting my parents in Bergen this Easter, I dropped in at one of the two shops worth visiting in town. Ok, so there may be a couple more, but only really two of international merit, as I see it. My number one stop was to see if Michael T. Nartey, or T-Michael as he is increasingly known internationally,  was…

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