Tag Archives : trousers

New project! Corduroy trousers!

Well, I put the question of what my next project should be to the Internet, and the Internet responded. With a convincing voice the answer was “Thee shall go forth and attempt to create trousers from corduroy fabric!”. Sounds a little dramatic, but right now it also feels as like it. I’ve never made trousers before and to be honest,…

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Companion Denim unboxing and review!

I was recently reading a piece in the newspaper about internet trends and how the phenomena of “unboxing” was huge. Never one to let a bandwagon pass by, I thought “hey, I’m sure it’s not just kids that would like to see someone open a box and show them what’s in it!”. Heck, I know you’re gagging for my little…

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The anniversary quiz and giveaway!

Well, it’s time for another anniversary celebration here at Well Dressed mansions. The fire is roaring, as per usual, the G&T’s are flowing freely and the hounds are running wild. Good will to all mankind, fireworks, overwhelming feelings of accomplishments and all that malarkey. Wish you were here, all of you, seriously. In lieu of filling the mansion with denim…

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In case you missed them, the best of 2015 #2: Reviews

Further on from the index to all the guides I wrote in 2015, here is a handy index to my reviews of the year. I’ve grouped them in a hopefully logical order, to aid in your thorough perusal of posts. You might like to read the handy indices to 2014 as well, they can be found here and here! The reviews of 2015: Trousers: Wrangler…

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The evolution and devolution of denim

Denim is a curious fabric. I can’t think of any fabric that is currently so torn with regards to which way it should develop. On the one hand the traditional denim companies are doing what they do, continually creating a better and more technical and high quality product. On the other hand you have the heritage-orientated companies taking development back to…

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More army aceness: Swedish wool jacket from 1956

I’m not quite sure why, but lately I appear to have been veering off the straight and narrow menswear track and more into the undergrowth of vintage and army gear. Thinking back it might have been finding the vintage Harris tweed jacket in Liverpool (the one that became the acclaimed first tweed project), or maybe it was falling for the…

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Get your fscked jeans darned well

Nothing lasts forever, and especially not a pair of jeans that are worn day in and day out, rarely washed and only given tough macho love. Even more so if you’re the type of person that treats your jeans totally without mercy, all in the name of evolving the fades and getting that personal wear. This makes for a truly…

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Searching for the unique menswear shop

Have you ever noticed how similar menswear shops are? Not the ones your father would go to, or the one you would take your young son into, but the sort of proper one the sorts like you and me would visit. The ones that tend to carry less suits and more timeless, quality pieces. You know the sort, right? I…

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Trouser Tuesday: Selvedge denim, how low can you go?

This review is a tricky one. No doubt about it. There comes a time when you’ve written a few reviews of denim trousers, spending time finding out what is different or special with each pair, describing, measuring, considering. And then you come to a pair like this, where there is almost nothing to say. You find yourself struggling, flailing even,…

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The technical guide to trouser cuffs

Today I thought I’d say a few words about turn-ups, or cuffs. As in, what do we do about trousers that are too long for our legs and have no tools at to hand. If you stopped to ask your mother, she’d tell you to get them hemmed. Hemming is the proper way to deal with excess length, just cut…

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