Tag Archives : Tanning

Billy Tannery and Crown Northampton introduce goat leather sneakers

When it comes to footwear I think I’m kind of known for going for solid stuff. You generally won’t see me in anything lightweight or made of synthetics or anything silly like flip-flops. I have running shoes for running, and a pair of old Crocs for taking out compost and collecting produce from the greenhouse (shock horror, top menswear blogger…

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In defence of old goats, and a new Kickstarter initiative

You’ve probably not heard mention of the plight of the goat before. That’s ok, most people haven’t. We tend to see a goat and think “what a cute, wee fellah!” and leave it at that. I’m not going to claim any massive knowledge about goat history, goat symbolism or anything else goat related, apart from one single point: Goats get…

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Review: A couple of leather belts with “different”

For me leather belts are a bit like waiting for a bus. Not like in that I’d rather cycle, walk or drive a rorty vintage car, but more like in that I they’re not really a factor until several arrive almost at the same time. So this week I’ll take a look at two of the belts that are in…

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A few thoughts on caring for leather shoes

An expression came to mind last week whilst preparing a new pair of rugged Red Wing boots for use, “tough as old boots”. It got me wondering where such an expression might have come from, and also whether there was any significance in the “old” part of it. Were boots stronger in previous times? I have observed that there has been…

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A label to watch: Ætt, retro-styled goodness from Norway

It’s not every day I discover something new and exciting, but the past weeks there has been an increasing buzz around a tiny new company called Ætt (pronounced “Aett”) here in Norway. They are based in Bergen. I almost say “of course”, as this is where the increasingly successful Norwegian Rain also hail from (no pun intended) and Bergen is…

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