Tag Archives : Strap

Four new backpacks for the stylish man!

It’s been a while now since I presented any new backpacks, though I’m always on the outlook for suitable specimens. As for the previous posts (here, here, here and here), the parameters are basically the same: We need a replacement for the awful black standard-issue nylon backpack your company have provided you with. And it must be a nice one,…

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Fresh backpacks for the stylish man (AW14)

It’s high summer and for those of you looking to keep your backpack game strong this Autumn, it’s time to climb a tree and get an overview of what might be available. Strong backpack game? Not something you come across that often in the world of fashion, but believe me, a crummy backpack will really kill off any effort you…

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The critical state of waistcoat buckles

Now, anyone that has been following my blog for a while knows that around here we very much enjoy our waistcoats. This tends to lead to a certain amount of nerdy attention to detail, as shown in my series of waistcoat reviews for my ongoing Waistcoat Wednesday festivities. Details matter, otherwise all we have is an indistinguishable array of armless…

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Whillas & Gunn Nullarbor, a new favorite backpack

Long term readers  will no doubt recall my quest a few months back to find a backpack suitable for a man of style. The point was to do away with the typical company-issued, black nylon backpack most people use to cart around their laptop and workday miscellany. This turned into quite a task, and resulted in not one, but two…

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