Tag Archives : socks

The paradox of sustainability and socks

Yesterday I bought a pair of socks in a fast-fashion outlet. They caught my eye, and as a teen of the formative years of computing, it was hard to resist the lure of the Pac-Man design. The original school of video games, all innovation in graphics and gameplay, eeking every cycle of computing power out of the chips and the…

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Unleash your inner freak with some sock innovation – part 3

So, that difficult third post about the garment that can only be shown in almost subliminal flashes, the sock. This one will not be hugely drawn out, fluffed up or saggy of elastic, and I will be keeping my focus well below the knee. The first matter that came to mind when playing with fun socks over the past week is that…

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Unleash your inner freak with some sock innovation – part 2

And release your breath slowly. Feel the inner tension evaporate as we find ourself back with part 2 of todays definite post about sock design and where sock supplies are heading in 2015. In part one I basically covered the factors we look for in a good pair of socks, and somewhat mocked the job satisfaction in being a sock…

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Unleash your inner freak with some sock innovation – part 1

Well, I have kind of set the tone of this post already, right? It’s all about socks, and different ones at that. Not the wearing of a pair that doesn’t match, but finding socks that are a little outside the standard mono-coloured, no added flavour, will do the job and not be noticed kind of socks. Granted, novelty socks are…

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The Rules: Socks and Summer

A matter that has caused me much pondering is the matter of what to do about socks during the summer. To use them, skip them, or try to stealth them? There are varying opinions on this issue, as can be seen by doing a little field work among actual live specimens. Don’t bother too much with the ladies though, they…

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