Tag Archives : shoes

Norwegian Rain and Grenson bring some actual innovation to the traditional British leather shoe

The British shoe industry has a long and glorious tradition behind it. Most of the well known names have been producing quality traditional shoes for 150 years or more, and do a splendid job as well. Goodyear welts, intricate brogue patterns, sublime craftsmanship and basically doing things as they have always been done. Hardly surprising really, as human feet are…

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Possibly the most singular footwear I have ever come across.

While knocking about the back streets of the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona this summer, eyes wide open, taking in the narrow alleys cut between the ancient buildings, appreciating the lack of noise and tourists compared to nearby street of hell, La Rambla, we stumbled upon a shop full of different. Not that there aren’t other curious shops hidden in the…

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Clarks Trigenic. Very Right! Very Wrong?

Guest post by Newcastles finest, Scratch. The thoughts behind this were sparked by a conversation I recently had with Well Dressed Dad and his requirement for a… get this, a pair of trainers! (WDD comments: I think I asked about some lightweight summer shoes…) Ha ha no, I cannot really imagine it either but there you go and it just shows…

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Of interest: NPS Solovair, quietly making shoes since 1881

I’m at the start of a series of posts about companies that for some reason or other interest me. Either due to unique products, some quirky aspect of their business, or because they have a background and history that is interesting. In the case of NPS Solovair, the interest starts with the company name. The NPS part dates all the…

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Guide: Some boots to see you through the winter

For me winter means boots. I know some people feel it appropriate to stride through the cold and dark, over the ice and snow, wearing the same flimsy, slippery and chilly footwear they use the rest of the year. Around here though we see winter as an opportunity to boot up. And boots must be real boots, no zips and…

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Looking around the on-line sales…

It’s that point in the pre-summer preparations when the mind is getting ready for some holiday relaxation, the body enjoying the sun from a clear blue sky, and the retailers are busy at work emptying out their stores to make way for their Autumnal goods. Last year at this time I did a post on nice rainwear I found in…

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The Rules: Socks and Summer

A matter that has caused me much pondering is the matter of what to do about socks during the summer. To use them, skip them, or try to stealth them? There are varying opinions on this issue, as can be seen by doing a little field work among actual live specimens. Don’t bother too much with the ladies though, they…

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How to lace and tie your shoes

Shoes are an ancient and established piece of technology in most of our lives. Those of us over the age of 5, with normally developed skills and faculties, are also well acquainted with shoe laces, both from the perspective of lacing the shoes and from tying the laces. Given that everyone clearly manages well enough in this respect on a…

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Favorite items: A boy and his Red Wing Supersoles

I encountered Red Wing Shoes some 23 years ago when I first moved to London as a wide eyed and caustically mouthed young man. This story will mainly be an ode to the Supersoles, but I also have a deep appreciation for other models from Red Wing, so read on if you like your rugged American workboots! I fell in…

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Shop visit: Lot 333 – an international selection in Bergen

In my previous “Shop visit” I introduced you to T-Michael, probably Norway’s premier men’s tailor and menswear designer. Today I visit the shop just round the corner from T-Michael: Over the past years, whenever I’ve been in Bergen, I’ve made a point of stopping by Lot 333 to check out their selection. Shops with a truly international flavour and inventory…

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