Tag Archives : nails

Grooming: A sensible and low key take on male grooming

I’ve had a few emails asking me about my “grooming regime”. I take this to mean there are people curious about how much coconut water I drink, which mud-masks I prefer on a rainy Tuesday evening, which carefully formulated lotions and potions I enjoy slathering my skin with, whether I prefer hair tonic to gin & tonic, whither scents of…

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Unleash your inner freak with some sock innovation – part 3

So, that difficult third post about the garment that can only be shown in almost subliminal flashes, the sock. This one will not be hugely drawn out, fluffed up or saggy of elastic, and I will be keeping my focus well below the knee. The first matter that came to mind when playing with fun socks over the past week is that…

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