Tag Archives : hemp

Garmology podcast: The Nettle Dress – with Allan Brown (#134)

This week, we embark on a journey to Brighton to talk to Allan Brown about his profound connection with nettles. Allan’s unwavering commitment to crafting a garment from inception unfolded against the backdrop of his local woodlands, where the unassuming nettle became a transformative medium. Delicately harvesting and methodically drying the plants, the meticulous process of extracting fibres and skillfully…

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Trouser Tuesday: Hansen Garments, relaxed hemp

Sometime last year I was asking the question of why we weren’t seeing more hemp used in the clothes we buy. Given the environmental issues surrounding the use of cotton, there are good reasons to be looking at alternative materials to use for our fabrics. Hemp is a plant that has many advantages over cotton, yet it’s still quite rare…

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Trouser Tuesday: Flying Horse Jeans, progressing to the origin

Another Tuesday and another pair of trouser to be reviewed. Another pair of jeans? Well, yes, although there is something about this pair that makes them different from every other pair in my collection. We’ll get to that shortly…   Flying Horse Jeans is a fairly new British company, based around their flagship store just off Carnaby Street in London. The duo…

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How about some alternative fabrics?

Cotton shirt, cotton boxers, cotton denim, cotton t-shirt, and let me bless your little cotton socks as well. Cotton everywhere, cotton all over and cotton everything. Is cotton the be all and end all, the perfect fabric for all uses? I’ve mentioned a few times how cotton is a huge environmental problem and that you should, whenever possible and practical,…

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