Tag Archives : Great Shaving Cream Investigation

A collection of Instagrammar

And before I know what has happened, it’s Friday again and time for the weekly collection of what I posted to my Instagram over the past week. To add some flavour this weeks adventures include cows, hedgehogs and ecologically grown vegetables. Just when you thought there couldn’t be more snaps of buttons, boots and fabrics, I up my game with more fun…

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That weekly Instagram collection again…

A briefer collection of Instagram images than usual this week. After a stumbling start, where I actually didn’t post anything for a couple of days at all, I got back in to my stride towards the end of the week. I aim for at least one image a day, sometimes two, and very rarely three. Lots of new posts in…

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The end of summer comes to Instagram

Another Friday and another collection of the past weeks postings to Instagram. An odd week, as it proved to be the end of the quite extraordinary summer we have been having, with too much sun and too much heat. And we will miss it far too much as well. Temperature has now dropped off noticeably and we’ve had days on…

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