Tag Archives : editorial

Editorial: Fine reading, lookey looks and and torrid tweed – The week that was

Autumn, a time for deep contemplation, catching up on reading and taking photos of colourful, fallen leaves, naked trees and certain men showing their daily outfits? Yes, those Instagram photos keep appearing on a regular basis. If you don’t follow me, I’ve included them below for your viewing convenience. Speaking of reading, I’ve noticed the stack menswear-related titles has been…

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Travels, findings and musings – editorial

As promised last week, I’m making an effort to get back on track with my pictorial posts. This is where I collate my favourite Instagram posts from recent times into an easy to ingest digest, and preface it with some editorial content. As a winning formula it’s not the worst I’ve come across. Right now I’m off to Copenhagen for…

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The return of the Instagram roundup

Writing for the blog has taken a back seat in recent weeks, primarily due to other commitments, including getting my old Jag back on the road, getting the new greenhouse stocked and started, and this and that really. And it all comes down to seeking out that which inspires, and finding a way back into the saddle once you find yourself out…

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