Tag Archives : Burberry

“Made in Britain”, all it’s made out to be?

While in London recently I met up with the owner of a British garment brand of some note. A great chap, with a long career in the industry and today doing his own thing, after many years of working for some of the leading figures in British men’s fashion. He’s an outspoken chap, with strong and wide-ranging opinions, and hence…

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News: Menswear hits Kickstarter

Kickstarter, the popular and innovative website for seeking funding through crowd-sourcing has seen yet a new use today, as UK-startup Machiavellian is seeking funding to launch it’s new brand of high-end men’s sleepwear. Kickstarter started out being mainly about seeking funding for geeky gadgets, but has seen massive diversity in the projects seeking necessary funding. As far as I know, this…

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