Browsing Category : Reviews

The search for a stubble shaver

A while back I asked on my Instagram story whether anyone had recommendations for a stubble shaver. Quite specifically, a shaving device to maintain a certain length of stubble. Over the years I’ve had a few different shavers of a more universal type, where you fit various bits on them to adjust for the desired length, usually also adjusting the…

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The answer to shirts that don’t fit

A while back I was talking about shirts and how hard it was to find a shirt that fit the two most important criteria of shirts, that it was a shirt I liked and that it fit me. The first part of this is pretty open, there are almost infinite amounts of shirts available, in any number of fabrics, styles…

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The Blackshore Poncho, an unexpected rainwear solution

I have a pretty long commute. I don’t do it every day, but 2-3 times a week. It involves cycling, the train, the metro and walking. This means exposure to weather and a lot of sitting around. Add this to a penchant for dressing up in fancy frocks and there is a certain type of weather conditions that is problematic.…

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The difficulties of choosing eyewear

If you’re a wearer of spectacles, you’ll relate to the problems of choosing eyewear that suit you. Apparently there is a science to this, as at least one of my local opticians offers the services of their qualified eyewear stylists. In my experience, it’s more a case of starting at one end of the always immense selection and then working…

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Summer jackets for 2019: Frahm jackets

The summer of 2018 in Europe was an absolute disaster for both farmers and garmsmen. Crops failed massively in the dry heat and menswearists that usually layering their clothing enthusiastically were struggling to cope with the fact that even a single layer was one layer too far. So far it looks like 2019 is a different tote of terror, hence…

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Commemorative silk escape map scarves from the IWM

If you read my recent review of the Taktonik messenger bag, you’ll have noticed that the inside of the lid was lined with a silk escape map. This was a type of map provided during WW2 to servicemen that risked being stranded behind enemy lines and might need guidance to find their way home. The history of the silk escape…

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The Hövding, a totally different bike helmet solution

Please note: This is a review where I’m not going to test the Hövding airbag for cyclists in full. Don’t feel a surge of disappointment, the reason why will become apparent. A few years ago I was dead set on finding a cycle helmet that didn’t make me look like a dork. I did find one, the Dashel, that I…

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Summer jackets of 2019: The Cordings Wayfarer

The summer of 2018 in Europe was an absolute disaster for both farmers and garmsmen. Crops failed massively in the dry heat and menswearists that usually layering their clothing enthusiastically were struggling to cope with the fact that even a single layer was one layer too far. So far it looks like 2019 is a different tote of terror, hence…

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Rolling Dub Trio: Boots on sincerity

Over the soon 7 years I’ve been writing this blog, I have been on something of an adventure. Or a treasure hunt, if you like. I’ve built up a decent collection of pieces and sold or passed on a fair number as well. It would also be fair to say that there has been an escalation in what catches the…

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