Browsing Category : Opinions

Back to the future: Red Wing Supersoles

I considered that this may bring Well Dressed Dad’s blog to boot overload – but of course, a man can never talk or know too much about stout footwear. And besides, I’m excited. The Red Wing Supersoles has a nostalgic place in my heart from my younger days. Singular appearance and actually tougher than old boots. Without raking over old…

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The awful truth of beards and moustaches

Yes, it’s that time of year when half the males of the species partake in the ritual humiliation of the other half by allowing their facial hair to grow wild in the name of Movember. It’s all for charity guys! Yeah, sure. Of course it’s not all about showing you have the genetic ability to grow facial hair with dignity.…

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Would Sir prefer quality or a discount?

Now, right at the start of this post I know it’s not in really going to fit in with my usual material. It’s not about clothes, or cool old things, or any of my usual passions, yet it’s on my mind and I’d like to share it with you, esteemed reader. Last night I was at a restaurant in Valencia…

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Brands: It’s all in the story…

In another post where I talk smack about stuff I really shouldn’t talk about, given that I’m a civil engineer not a marketing guru, I give you: What makes a brand? A name, a designer, a style, something ethereal and mystic, history, or something else entirely? To me, names come and go, designers are rarely given celebrity status, styles come…

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Shopping: Are you being served?

For most of my life, entering a clothes shop, all on my lonesome, has been a pretty traumatic affair and something best avoided. I’m well aware that many guys have an aversion to clothes shops, for a variety of reasons, others proclaiming shopping as too tedious (yet they will happily spend all day shopping for fishing gear or model trains).…

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“Made in Britain”, all it’s made out to be?

While in London recently I met up with the owner of a British garment brand of some note. A great chap, with a long career in the industry and today doing his own thing, after many years of working for some of the leading figures in British men’s fashion. He’s an outspoken chap, with strong and wide-ranging opinions, and hence…

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Why sales are a bad thing

Last week an email from a friend in the garment industry prompted me to put my thinking cap on with regards to the business of sales and price reductions. It turned out to be a lot more difficult than expected to write something even halfway sensible about, as the more I thought about it, the wider the topic ranged, and…

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What’s up with “dressing nice”?

Last week I was at a work conference celebrating 25 years of the company I work for. As per usual, there is the standard “Big Dinner”. While I enjoy good food, these dinners are always totally painful for me. Sitting at the table for hours to work our way through a meagre 3-course dinner, trying to engage the others round…

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Health: How I, against all odds, started running

In a bit of a departure from my usual topics, I’d like to write a bit about health today. Not really health in general, but more specifically the transition from being overweight, middle-aged and not very fit, to being less-overweight, sadly even more middle-aged, and reasonably fit. It might not sound like much of a difference, but for someone like…

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Style: The grey market, and why the marketers get it wrong

Since becoming more interested in clothes over the past few years, I find I’ve also taken more interest in how they are presented to me in the marketplace. We’re talking marketing, advertising, the dangling of the lure that will make me want to part with my hard-earned cash in exchange for whatever is being promoted. And I’m becoming increasingly aware…

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