Monthly Archives : April 2014

Trouser Tuesday: Black Iron Knuckleheads, denim in short supply

There are a huge amount of denim brands available today. I wouldn’t even want to try to start counting them. Maybe half a dozen huge brands, several dozen big brands, and the number of brands seems to grow exponentially the smaller they get. Black Iron Clothing are one of the smallest I’ve come across, being essentially a 2 person venture.…

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Fashion, clothing and ethics: Who made your clothes?

So, today is Fashion Revolution Day. A year to the day after 1133 people were killed and over 2500 injured when the Rana Plaza garment factory collapsed in Bangladesh. A tragedy that made world news and made a huge impact on those unfortunate to be directly involved. Has anything changed since then? Quite likely not. At least not on any…

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Trouser Tuesday : Mister Freedom "El Americano"

Well, what do you know, it’s Tuesday again, and on Tuesdays we talk about trousers! Today I want to talk about one of my most recent additions to the Vault of Two-legged Garments here at WellDressed Mansion, the “El Americano” by Mister Freedom. I’ll admit that until I visited Maritime & Antiques in Copenhagen, I’d not really paid that much…

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Iconic Footwear: The Red Wing 877 Irish Setters

I confess, I come from a family of scavengers. Jumble sales, small ads and charity shops all get our blood pumping that little bit harder. My Saturday trip to town always includes a visit to the local Salvation Army charity shop for a quick look through their stock. 999 times out of a 1000 there is nothing worthwhile there, but…

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Re-fitting your shirt made easy

A visit from my youngest son finally gave me the push I needed to do a write-up on ill-fitting shirts and a fairly easy remedy for it. All you need is either some very basic skills with a sewing machine, a little time and patience, and a shirt that is too large of body. There are a few measurements a…

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Trouser Tuesday: Old Town Tin-house Vauxhall

Welcome back to the second instalment of Trouser Tuesday, this week featuring the Vauxhall trousers by British maker Old Town. Well, not strictly accurate, as my trousers are made by Tin House, the workwear label of heritage-style micro-maker Old Town. Apparently Old Town only make around 70 garments a week, and most of them are to order, which makes them quite special…

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Iconic outerwear : The CP Company “Goggle jacket”

In my very occasional series featuring iconic outerwear, I’ve today arrived at a jacket I’ve had very mixed feelings about, the CP Company “Goggle Jacket”, part of the legacy of the legendary Massimo Osti. Initially I thought it quite ludicrous that a parka would have a hood with a pair of hinged goggle-lenses fitted in it. Surely they could have no…

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Iconic footwear: Clarks Wallabees, everything to everyone?

Well Dressed Dad has been obliquely nagging for a piece to be written about the Clarks Wallabees for a while now. As it is, he is a latecomer to this most excellent of folds having only just purchased his first pair at a ripe old age so knows little more than he likes the look of them and let’s face it, every…

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Waistcoat Wednesday: Fancypants herringbone from Scotch & Soda

Yes, I know, you’ve all been missing my Waistcoat Wednesday reviews, and I feel bad about it. Truly. However, I have a new one today, and will hopefully have a couple more in the coming weeks. Today’s offering is another fine piece from Scotch & Soda, consistent and fine supporters of the waistcoat through each season. This one I discovered in their…

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Trouser Tuesday: Iron Heart Beatle Busters 21oz jeans

Welcome to the first post in what is intended to be a substantial run of trouser reviews. I intend to cover a variety of trousers, both with regards to style and materials. My aim is to help my readers become more informed and aware of what goes into a pair of trousers (and I don’t mean your legs, though that is obviously…

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