The second book in my brief series of books you ought to buy (or borrow or steal), is “Icons of men’s style” by Josh Sims:
From the description on the inside cover:
“Behind nearly every item in the modern male wardrobe is a ‘first of it’s kind’ – the definitive example, often designed by a single company or brand for specialist use, from which all subsequent versions have evolved (and originals of which are now collected in the booming vintage market).
The T-shirt, for instance, may now be ubiquitous, but was created by the American company Hanes for US Navy personnel at the turn of the 20th century, and subsequently adopted by sportsmen and bikers. Other icons have been designed for sport, farm work, protection and made their way into everyday use.”
The book examines, in photos and text, a significant number of items, grouped into the sections: Outerwear, Trousers, Shoes, Underwear, Tailoring, Shirts & Sweaters, Accessories. A good discussion of their stories, provenance and history, the brand or company that came up with the item, and how the product has shaped the way men dress today.
Quite a number of surprises and a cracking good read. Just goes to show that true innovation is a lot rarer than reworking what has gone before!
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I should buy this for my boyfriend for a bit more insight into men’s fashion, especially since he often complains that it has way less choices than women’s one! 🙂
Highly recommended. I was given a copy the Christmas before last, and was distinctly anti-social all afternoon, reading it cover to cover.
This is on my bedside table. Had to explain to my wife why I was reading two chapters about men’s pants in bed.
Good man! All in the interest of research into becoming a better man, for her, of course. It’s a good book, as well. Did you find any favourites in it?
[…] a collection and a shop in London. This book is written by Josh Sims (who we already know though “Icons of Men’s Style”) and the proprietors of The Vintage Showroom, Douglas Gunn and Roy Luckett, and what a book it is! […]
[…] 877 boots are included in Josh Sims book “Icons of Mens Style“, where the author speculates that they were designed to look “just so with […]