Tag Archives : t-shirt

The derelicto to usable white tee project

I like my white t-shirts. Breaking out a crisp and fresh white tee is one of life’s small pleasures. In this respect I could easily relate to The Wire, where Bubbles tours Hamsterdam hawking his white tees. I do see the possible problems in taking fashion and lifestyle advice from The Wire though, so I won’t make too much of…

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The white tee, part of a balanced diet

So, Summer is here and you want to get your rebel on. Not the Billy Idol sneer and peroxided mullet, but more of a rebel with no discernible cause. 50’s style James Dean is more the ticket, ladykiller and generally too cool for school. The white t-shirt is like the yin to the denim yang, and you already have the…

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Style: Summer attire part 1, a few of my personal recommendations

Summer has finally arrived most places. At least according to the calendar. Around here we’re still short a few degrees to make it truly pleasant, but that hasn’t stopped most guys from getting out their summer wardrobe. This is the season where sartorial inelegance meets hairy white flesh in an uneasy mix that will make you want to study the…

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Book tips: Icons of men’s style by Josh Sims

The second book in my brief series of books you ought to buy (or borrow or steal), is “Icons of men’s style” by Josh Sims: From the description on the inside cover: “Behind nearly every item in the modern male wardrobe is a ‘first of it’s kind’ – the definitive example, often designed by a single company or brand for…

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