How I learnt to love a trouser press

Every hotel room in the world appears to have one, at least all those I’ve visited do. They´re mounted on the wall, always just at the edge of your vision, slightly anonymous, yet also mysterious. An odd-looking device, somewhat technological, but also a little furniture-like. The mystery is compounded by the fact that there is never any real indication of it´s purpose, or how to use it, though once you look at it, you realise it is simplicity itself. I´m thinking about the trouser-press.

Example of typical hotel room. Wall mounted trouser press indicated with arrow.

Example of typical hotel room. Wall mounted Corby trouser press indicated with arrow.

Although I´d occasionally been intrigued, I´d managed to avoid using a trouser press. Though normally technologically curious and not afraid to experiment with new devices, there was something about the trouser press that made me keep my distance. The province of the travelling salesman with a need to freshen the creases in his cheap suit of man made fabric? The fact that is seemed a bit too grown-up for me? Or that putting creases in your trousers just seems a bit off?

This all changed the day I found a Corby 5500 Classic at a local jumble sale. Sleek, teak and meek (ok, upright, really, but meek sounded better) it stood there, amidst an ocean of rubbish and tat. What a strange thing to find! Do people even buy them to use at home? I have no idea, but I had to have it, and it was mine for the princely sum of 8 pounds. Excellent! Though, I realised, now I had to find out how to use it.

A Corby trouser press, this one with bonus hanger for jacket.

A Corby trouser press, this one with bonus hanger for jacket.

And I did. And it really isn´t that difficult! There are 2 controls. One timer to set the heat on and one lever to open and close (two really, as the levers apply force on both sides to ensure even application of pressure). Hardly a challenge for an engineer really. Hah!

The only really tricky part is getting the trousers to lie nice and flat inside the press before closing it. I have very few trousers that have a crease front and back. Possibly only a single pair, and I just remembered that I don´t even have them any longer. What I like to do is to lay the trousers flat, as I´d iron them. I do occasionally iron chinos, as they get washed more often than my other trousers, while denim and wool trousers tend to rest between use. As I´m a careful wearer I rarely get my trousers dirty and can enjoy clothes that don´t need washing too often, which keeps them nice much longer. That resting though, folded thrice, in a stack, that sure does crease them. Not hard creases, but enough to make it noticeable. Iron them? Nope, too much work. This is where the trouser press earns it´s keep. It takes a minute to place the trousers in it, and then 45 minutes later they are crispy, fresh and creaseless. Jeans, corduroy or tweed, it works for all of them.

Nicely pressed Hansen Garments wool trousers. Splendid!

Nicely pressed Hansen Garments wool trousers. Splendid!

A ceaseless remover of creases, to coin a new slogan for Corby of Windsor, manufacturers of trouser presses to royalty and tired businessmen since 1930. So, even though the trouser press may not be the most glamorous of gentleman´s accessories, and a victim of screwdriver-wielding pranksters, it is actually a genuinely decent device, and I strongly recommend you keep an eye out for one. Or accidentally acquire one when next staying in a hotel. Most likely it will hardly have been used.

Mine was relegated to the washing room in the basement by my otherwise cherubical WellDressedGirlfriend. Little does she know that with a special bracket from Corby, my freestanding Classic can be wall mounted, and will enjoy a prime location in our bedroom again soon. I hope.


  • stan 07/12/2013 at 17:11

    I suppose you’d just put trousers in sideways if you didn’t want a central crease. Strangely enough I had an old non electric wooden one till quite recently. Bought from a second hand shop. Only ever used decoratively.

  • Brian in Alberta 07/12/2013 at 18:30

    Very interesting post. In Canada every hotel room above the most basic motel will have an iron and board but I have never seen a trouser press. I have the luxury of being able to hang my pants but I would still like to have one of these units. A quick net search shows that I will likely not be able to buy one in Alberta; British Columbia perhaps.

  • WDG 08/12/2013 at 17:07

    ” Little does she know that with a special bracket from Corby, my freestanding Classic can be wall mounted, and will enjoy a prime location in our bedroom again soon. ”

    Well, as you are now blogging about it you either believe that
    a) I´m illiterate
    b) I don´t know how to operate the internet, or
    c) I will learn to love it. Just like sushi or fermented cabbage.

    WDG aka “Corby? Nooo, haven´t seen it.”

  • Scratch 09/12/2013 at 12:37

    I think this is a valid comment. The idea of having a corby trouser press in ones bedroom is an odd one. Are you going to get one of those automated shoe polishing machines to place at the end of the landing too Nick?

    Although how you cannot love sushi is quiet beyond me.

    • Well Dressed Dad 09/12/2013 at 12:41

      Next you’ll be saying I can’t have a mini-bar in the bedroom either! Shoe polishing however should be done by hand. Either my own hands, or by enlisted help.

      I’m afraid I agree with WDG on the matter of sushi, though we have differing opinions of matters such as Marmite and Branstons pickle. It takes all sorts!

  • Scratch 09/12/2013 at 12:39

    quite beyond me even.

  • Scratch 09/12/2013 at 12:51

    Mini bars are dreadful things and if you install one, you’ll suddenly find yourself paying many pounds for a uniquely small bags of salted peanuts and novelty sized cans of beer at 2am.
    Believe me, I’ve been there. It’s like a sick joke when you pay your bill at reception next morning.

  • Laird Andrew Kerensky 07/02/2015 at 23:49

    Never thought of using the Corby trouser press on jeans before, I’ll see if the old Corby 4400 is up to the job.

  • Sam 19/08/2017 at 13:08

    Does it work on chinos?

    • nick 19/08/2017 at 13:37

      Works on anything made of fabric that can be inserted into it!

  • JR## 14/03/2018 at 14:45

    The problem with Chinos is that you can’t lie them absolutely flat so its impossible to do them in a trouser press without producing wrinkles.

    • James Reavey 14/02/2022 at 15:07

      I agree with this comment. As I wear chinos 99% of the time, I got rid of my trouser press …. it just made them look worse.

  • Richard Kaye 14/02/2022 at 14:30

    As the very proud owner of Corby of Windsor I am always delighted to trip over well written articles like this.
    All at Corby are very fond of our dearly beloved trouser press and it is still going strong in terms of sales….particularly in Japan. Smart well dressed guys out there.


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