Tag Archives : weaving

Travelling to the land of Harris Tweed – part two

After a busy day one getting to know the nitty gritty of Harris Tweed and discovering Stornoway (catch up on it here), day two I was up early and rearing to go. Having read the Hebridean crime novels and the accompanying photos book by Peter May, I was very excited to experience it first hand. Not so much the murders, mind…

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Unleash your inner freak with some sock innovation – part 1

Well, I have kind of set the tone of this post already, right? It’s all about socks, and different ones at that. Not the wearing of a pair that doesn’t match, but finding socks that are a little outside the standard mono-coloured, no added flavour, will do the job and not be noticed kind of socks. Granted, novelty socks are…

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Introducing Indigo Village and their incredible scarves

One of the most rewarding things to come from taking up blogging has been the number of people I have come in contact with, people I’d otherwise never have become friends with, or even met at all. One of my early contacts was Jon, an Englishman living in Thailand. We’d have ongoing discussions about important matters such as rare and…

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A glimpse into the past

Whilst on one of my recent prowls of the local thrift shops I came across a find that really set my interest in motion. In amongst the usual fayre of high street rubbish and outmoded suits there was a rather unassuming cotton shirt. Natural coloured, not even the usual bleached white. I almost went past it, but something called to…

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