Tag Archives : vest

A new idea for 2020, the carry-all utility vest

I very often get quite amazingly great ideas, absolutely world-class, game-changing ideas. Especially when I’m out walking, or trying to fall asleep (these two seldom occur at the same time), and naturally after figuratively slapping my own back in exultation, I think that I’ll put this in my mental bank of great ideas that should be worked on more. This…

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Making a waistcoat from a vintage army tent

Sewing is not something I’m doing all the time, it’s a passion that can flail up, burn strong and then go back into dormancy. Really I’m more about the ideas than actually the actual cutting, assembling and sewing. Not to say I don’t enjoy it, there is a huge amount of satisfaction in seeing a project through from idea to…

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Sew your own: Making a waistcoat from field pants

A few weeks back I was doing a little thrifting and came across a pair of vintage Norwegian army field pants. Super condition, worn in and undamaged. Mine for a pound. Score! Only, in the same way, I don’t wear denim jackets, I don’t really wear field pants either. A quirk of taste or a physical manifestation of an inner…

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Waistcoat Wednesday! Whillas and Gunn, for the card sharps

A week appears to have passed since last Wednesday, a fact which must mean it’s time for another Waistcoat Wednesday here at Well Dressed Mansion. Observing the rack of superb armless attire, my eyes alight on an item of striped goodness all the way from Whillas and Gunn in Australia. Whillas and Gunn are no newcomers around these days, having made…

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Waistcoat Wednesday! Everyone likes a piece of Toast

So, after a few months holiday, Waistcoat Wednesday is finally back, and back with a rather splendid piece of armless attire as well! I found this one whilst travelling in the UK this summer. Toast is not a brand I’ve really paid much attention to until now, but visiting Kilver Design Village in Shepton Mallet I found myself in the Toast outlet there,…

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The critical state of waistcoat buckles

Now, anyone that has been following my blog for a while knows that around here we very much enjoy our waistcoats. This tends to lead to a certain amount of nerdy attention to detail, as shown in my series of waistcoat reviews for my ongoing Waistcoat Wednesday festivities. Details matter, otherwise all we have is an indistinguishable array of armless…

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Waistcoat Wednesday wicked wishlist

It’s been a while since I bought a new waistcoat, so rather than rehash a previous waistcoat review (after all, I did give you the massive 20-strong compilation quite recently), I thought I’d do a little virtual window shopping and show you some of the armless finery I would like to buy. Consider me your personal shopper or butler. Does…

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In case you were wondering…

Dear Reader, in case you were flailing in thought, ponderously wondering, instigating investigations, all in search of the perfect present to your favourite mediocre menswear blogger, despair no more, here I will reveal what my heart is set on this Xmas… Given that my semi-popular and fairly regular feature Waistcoat Wednesday has been on a forced hiatus (due to running…

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Waistcoat Wednesday: Nigel Cabourn, not knitted by your Granny

Welcome back to the 20th edition of Waistcoat Wednesday! Whilst today is another unseasonally warm day here in sunny Norway, today’s waistcoat selection is really a number I’ve been saving for when it gets a little chillier. A woolly little number, and what I consider to be a vest. A knitted vest. Not usually an article that would would be…

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Waistcoat Wednesday: Wings + Horns, it’s a jersey thing

In a slight departure from the norm, today’s waistcoat is more what I’d call a vest than a waistcoat, though the terms tend to be interchanged quite freely. For me, a vest is an undershirt and a waistcoat the pinnacle of armless attire, so going out of my comfort zone and actually describing an armless piece of clothing as a…

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