Tag Archives : Shoe

Back to the future: Red Wing Supersoles

I considered that this may bring Well Dressed Dad’s blog to boot overload – but of course, a man can never talk or know too much about stout footwear. And besides, I’m excited. The Red Wing Supersoles has a nostalgic place in my heart from my younger days. Singular appearance and actually tougher than old boots. Without raking over old…

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What’s up with “dressing nice”?

Last week I was at a work conference celebrating 25 years of the company I work for. As per usual, there is the standard “Big Dinner”. While I enjoy good food, these dinners are always totally painful for me. Sitting at the table for hours to work our way through a meagre 3-course dinner, trying to engage the others round…

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Tip: Commando-soled brogue and gravel

Continuing on my mission to be the middle-aged menswear blog that provides the best value for money for my elite group of readers, I am today offering up something of a top-tip for those of you struggling to come to terms with the amount of gravel (or small stones, for the non-engineers among you) your commando-soled brogues are picking up.…

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Favorite items: A boy and his Red Wing Supersoles

I encountered Red Wing Shoes some 23 years ago when I first moved to London as a wide eyed and caustically mouthed young man. This story will mainly be an ode to the Supersoles, but I also have a deep appreciation for other models from Red Wing, so read on if you like your rugged American workboots! I fell in…

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Icons: The brogue – from marshwork to gentlemans footwear

Brogues are seemingly everywhere these days. While long being the quintessential shoe for the proper tweedy gentleman, available through shoemakers and expensive outfitters, nowadays you’re as likely to find them in the lower end high street shoe shops, vying with trainers and dessert boots for the attention of a man with an aspiring taste on a more limited budget. So…

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Elementary shoe care: The Shoe Tree

Something that should occur in your life shortly after buying a pair of nice shoes is to start wondering how you’ll best take care of them. Given how nice shoes usually cost a fairly decent lump of cash, you’ll most likely wish for them to stay in service for a while as well. So how do you go about doing…

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